How can I have DevonThink fill a custom metadata field with the path a file was imported from?

I would like to import files into a DT database and have a metadata field that is a record of the location of the file was imported from on the MacOS filesystem. These particular files I am importing with ⌘ + dragging into the client and ideally would be able to continue doing this but obviously can compromise if I must.

All the automation I understand happens once the files are already imported and I’ve not seen anything that suggests the information I would like is still there to be worked with at this stage. I can conceptualise how I night do this (after getting my head around AppleScript…) by making a script that performed an import and carried the path across to fill the metadata field but even then it wouldn’t be a convenient way to import a large number of files distributed amongst a large number of folders.

How should I approach this?

An alternative is to index the files/folders, then copy their path to a custom metadata field and finally move the indexed items into the database (see Data > Move into Database)

Are you referring to using a watched folder or dragging in from any arbitrary location?