How can I have DevonThink fill a custom metadata field with the path a file was imported from?

I would like to import files into a DT database and have a metadata field that is a record of the location of the file was imported from on the MacOS filesystem. These particular files I am importing with ⌘ + dragging into the client and ideally would be able to continue doing this but obviously can compromise if I must.

All the automation I understand happens once the files are already imported and I’ve not seen anything that suggests the information I would like is still there to be worked with at this stage. I can conceptualise how I night do this (after getting my head around AppleScript…) by making a script that performed an import and carried the path across to fill the metadata field but even then it wouldn’t be a convenient way to import a large number of files distributed amongst a large number of folders.

How should I approach this?

An alternative is to index the files/folders, then copy their path to a custom metadata field and finally move the indexed items into the database (see Data > Move into Database)

Are you referring to using a watched folder or dragging in from any arbitrary location?

Dragging in from any arbitrary location. They’re all over a variety of external drives and folders and I’m trying to consolidate. They’re mixed in with other files of the same format so dragging individually is essentially the only way to bring them in. Ideally the field would contain the complete path ie ‘/Volumes/extdrive1/dir/dir/dir/’. I’m not fussy about including the original filename in this path or not.

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Create the Custom metadata, like importedfrom and write down the exact identifier. You can change the name of this field afterwards to human readable.

Copy this script and write the exact CMD identifier in add custom metadata line:

-- Script to move Selected Files from Finder to Selected Group in Devonthink
-- Created by Silverstone on 03.03.2021
-- Revised on 15.03.2021: correct deletion of imported folders

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theTags to {}
		set theGroup to item 1 of (get selection)
		if kind of theGroup is not "group" then set theGroup to current group
	on error
		set theGroupSet to display group selector "Select the Group to Import files from Path Finder" with tags
		set theGroup to |group| of theGroupSet
		set theTags to |tags| of theGroupSet
	end try
	tell application "Finder"
		set FileList to (get selection)
		repeat with theFile in FileList
			set theFile to POSIX path of (theFile as alias)
			tell application id "DNtp"
				set theImported to import theFile to theGroup
				add custom meta data theFile for "importedfrom" to theImported
				log message info "File '" & proposed filename of theImported & "' was imported successfuly into '" & name of theGroup & "' of Devonthink. Source: '" & theFile & "' is deleted." record theImported
				perform smart rule trigger import event record theImported
				if theTags is not {} then
					set theTags to theTags & (tags of theImported)
					set tags of theImported to theTags
				end if
			end tell
			do shell script "rm -R " & quoted form of theFile
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

Thanks for the script - an applescript would also be my solution
For the Devonthink import location (TheGroup) I would suggest simply using the default preferred import destination
and launch the script after selecting the files in Finder
My workflow is collection to the Global Inbox, and later processing

This is up to the user.
Usually, imported files do not stay in preferred import destination, you move them to the specific group. In most cases, in my workflow, the real destination is the currently open group or somewhere nearby (and it is easier to select it there than browse in chooser from scratch). So, you just run the script without extra manipulations.