How do I generate reports

I have a list of transactions, categorised by metadata. is there a way to generate reports in them with DEVONthink or must I export them to a spreadsheet program?

What kind of report are you looking for?
For budget reporting and task lists, I use an applescript to export transactions to a spreadsheet
Another script generates ToCs (Table of contents) for my projects in html format

That’s what I thought. But DEVONthink has a spreadsheet “function” itself. Anyone used it within the program for addition etc?

No, DT has no spreadsheet. Only tables, which do not offer formulas in cells.

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What are you referring to here?

is that so. That’s what I feared. I had not yet investigated them

So I hear. Sad. Means exporting to a spreadsheet is the only way to analyse transactions I guess

From the Documents > Sheets section of the built-in Help and manual…


You’re welcome.