How do you know when initial iCloud database upload has completed?

I recently purchased a new iPad and initially synced it to DTTG via iCloud. I had already uploaded my databases to an iCloud sync store on my Macbook Pro for using DTTG on my iphone.

Long story short - my database corrupted and after unsuccessfully attempting to fix the problems and reviewing the posts here, I came to the conclusion that a local bonjour sync is best for me at this time (reasons being: no collaboration; hence, no need for cloud syncing in real time; naturally impatient disposition; and I like the additional information Devonthink gives me during bonjour sync that I don’t get during iCloud syncing (i.e., I’m a control freak).

So for the time being I’m going to give bonjour a try, but should I find it later unworkable or should my needs change, requiring cloud sync, there is one question that I would like to know the answer to while this experience is still fresh.

The recommended process for the initial database upload from mac to icloud is to be patient and let the database completely upload to the icloud before starting sync on mobile devices on DTTG. The problem I had to involves the two-stage process whereby a local sync to icloud happens followed by the completion of the syncing process in the cloud on Apple’s servers. I understand that I need to be patient and let the process of the initial upload to iCloud complete before I start sync on DTTG, but the problem is that Devonthink on my Mac doesn’t give me any idea of when that’s completed, it just tells me that the sync completed when I look at sync preferences (presumably because the local sync portion of the two-stage icloud sync has, in fact, completed).

So my question is how do you know when icloud has completed the initial sync? I read this blog post on Gabe Weatherhead’s website in which he stated that he used little snitch and istat menus to monitor outgoing traffic as a way of determining when the initial upload had completed. I don’t have little snitch but I do have istat menus from a setapp subscription, but I still don’t know which processes to monitor to see if the upload process is ongoing. I noticed someone on these forums mention the “bird” process but no mention was made whether this is the one associated with icloud upload.

Of course, if there’s some better or simpler way to find this out that I’m missing, I would be interested to know this as well

The bird process is indeed part of iCloud but whether it can provide the information you want is unknown to me.

In DEVONthink’s Activity pane or window, when you see iCloud upload, that is monitoring iCloud but it’s not going to be a granular or necessarily precise display. It is generally sufficient to show something is going on.