How to convert all open tabs in a safari windo to pdf imported into DT on a mac?

After a researh session, I’d like to be able to import the related safari tabs nested in a single safari window. I’d like the end result to be pdfs placed into DT3 on a mac’s inbox or other desinated folder.

Is that possible?


tell application "Safari"
	if exists window 1 then set urlList to (URL of (tabs of window 1))
end tell

if urlList is not {} then
	tell application id "DNtp"
		show progress indicator "Converting Safari tabs…" steps (count urlList)
		repeat with theURL in urlList
			step progress indicator theURL
			create PDF document from theURL in incoming group
		end repeat
		hide progress indicator
	end tell
end if

An improved version could also grab the source from the tabs, this might improve the clipped results.

To clip as PDF?

My fault, only the create formatted note from command has a source parameter.

No worries! I thought I was going to learn yet another trick :smiley:

thanks for the quick reply! I’ll give it a go and revert.

Hi Guys,

What you supplied worked perfectly! Thanks!

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I have an update:

ref: attached screen shot: How do I update the DT3 internal browser?

You can’t, only by updating DT. Why would a website not support a current browser nowadays?

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@chrillek is correct. There is no way to manually update the web framework inside DEVONthink. That would have to be done by development. And no, it won’t be happening in the short-term as it could lead to a loss of functionality if not done properly. And it’s certainly not something we’d rush just for looking at Twitter/X :wink:

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Can anybody think of an alternative way of getting’s (or other news source’s) articles into a DT3 databased dedicated to archiving news article, and such, once they have been manually selected?

What’s wrong with the usual methods: Clipping as MD, formatted note, PDF, bookmark?

Each are a fine method.

I’m looking for a method that can take a row of safari tabs, accumulated throughout the day as I’m waiting for the train, meetings to start, etc. and automatically put them into DT3 when I’m back at the computer.

So let’s call it that I’m looking for a more frictionless way of getting dozens of news articles into DT3 in mobile settings as I have now via the command + P > command + P option.