How to copy or export Table of Contents of PDFs?

Hi, I’m new to DEVONthink.

Previously, I used Zotero and the plugin Zotfile to extract PDF’s TOC if it has. After getting it, I pasted them in my note-taking app. And it looks like:

		-   [2 Background: institutional design for biodiversity conservation in China (1956–2018)](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/2)
		-   [3 Theoretical review and framework](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/3)
		-   [4 Research site and research methods](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/4)
		    -   [4.1 Study area—Jiuzhaigou Biosphere Reserve](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/4)
		    -   [4.2 Methods and sources](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/5)
		-   [5 Administrative changes and the effects on public services](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/6)
		    -   [5.1 T1: government structure from 1982 to 1998](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/6)
		        -   [5.1.1 The Targeted: combining biodiversity conservation and tourism](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/6)
		        -   [5.1.2 The Formal: single agency with dual title and leadership](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/7)
		        -   [5.1.3 The Actual: public services caught between township and JMA](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/7)
		        -   [5.1.4 Credibility analysis for the 1982–1998 period](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/8)
		    -   [5.2 T2: government structure in 1998–2000](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/8)
		        -   [5.2.1 The Targeted: solve overlapping authorities, improve management efficiency](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/8)
		        -   [5.2.2 The Formal: transfer duties from township to JMA](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/9)
		        -   [5.2.3 The Actual: effects of 1998 administrative changes on public services for local people](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/9)
		        -   [5.2.4 Credibility analysis for the 1998–2000 period](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/9)
		    -   [5.3 T3: Government structure from 2000 to 2018](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/10)
		        -   [5.3.1 The Targeted: increasing management capacity](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/10)
		        -   [5.3.2 The Formal: rescinding management from the county](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/10)
		        -   [5.3.3 The Actual: “kids without moms”](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/10)
		        -   [5.3.4 Credibility analysis for the 2000–2018 period](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/11)
		-   [6 Conclusion](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/11)
		-   [Acknowledgements](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/11)
		-   [References](zotero://open-pdf/0_DL8DXK82/12)

DEVONthink can copy page link on Inspectors by right clicking the outline such as x-devonthink-item://E14C5404-5634-4428-B06F-DDB55BF392DA?page=14.

However, only one link can be copied once. It would be very laborious for a PDF. Furthermore, the section title is missed.

Hence, I wonder if is possible in DEVONthink to export PDF’s TOC as Markdown like that in Zotero?

There is no built-in way of doing that. Here is something you could try:

Thanks for your reply.

To be honest, I’d prefer Zotero than the script for DEVONthink. Hope DEVONthink will have this feature in the future.