How to keep a group in sync with an external folder?

How can I sync a group in DT with an external folder?

Context: I create small notes in a DT folder (say ‘Zettle’). I want a workflow in which whenever I add a new file (.md files) to the folder it is automatically exported to an external folder. The goal is to create notes in DT and visualize them using tools such as Obsidian or Logseq.

Starting with the external folder
In Devonthink there are two choices: Import or Index
Index is used to keep a group in sync with an external folder



As @DTLow says, start with a vault folder in obsidian and then index this to Devonthink. It is exactly what I do for my ‘ideas’.

One word of caution. If you need to create sub folders/groups and move things around, do it in DT not obsidian or you can get lots of ‘missing link’ to documents. (They are easy enough to resolve, but better not to have the hassle). DT will apply any changes back to the obsidian folder. Any new MD documents created in either DT or obsidian will show up in both.

The vault can even be in obsidian iCloud so you get it on all devices.

Here is an example where I maintain a markdown ‘cook book’ in DT but use Obsidian for display on my iPad when cooking.

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Why Obsidian in this case?

I like the clean interface and as you can see, you can have other pinned panes open for navigation, or sub menus (you have a lot of flexibility on how it looks). I have Obsidian locked in preview so I don’t accidentally change a recipe (a frustration I had with apps like Bear where it is too easy to accidentally edit). I only use Obsidian for my markdown cook book.

I tried DTTG (which I use for everything else!) but was limited to the group/document hierarchy on the left and found the wiki links can play up. Sometimes clicking through document wiki links, on the third or fourth document the links stop working and you get [[name]] instead of a clickable link (Stopping and restarting DTTG resolves it, but it is annoying). FYI All the markdown documents in the cook book are uniquely named, so it is not two documents with the same name that causes the links to stop. Could it be related to the number of documents within the cook book?

We have no reports of this behavior.

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Thanks, @DTLow.

Thanks for the helpful tips, @saltlane.