My setting is as follows: I have saved all files into the Finder file system of my Mac running macOS 12.7.6. All the files are indexed in the database of DT3 version 3.9.8. Additionally, all the files are being kept synchronize with a NextCloud installation. The database itself is synchronized with iCloud by CloudKit in order for using wit DTTG.
Now I want to set up a new Mac running macOS 15.2. I want to use DT3 as before on my old Mac.
What would be the most appropriate way in order to migrate my indexed files and the database and it’s ability to interact onto the new Mac?
If in DEVONthink you go to the “Extras” tab in the Sidebar (via icon or via Menu: View → Extras, there should be an article there called “How to Migrate to a new Mac” from 2022, or at this DEVONtechnologies web site site same content which you already have on your machine.
It’s necessary because I can not avoid to use my data on Windows PCs via web access with a browser, or to make available files for co-working with people who are very privacy alerted and do not want use non european clouds like iCloud.