I want to move data(almost 2000 articles) from another application. I tried to post the same question, but it was removed, probably because I’ve mentioned the name of that application.
That application does have an export feature, but it crashes every time I try to export more than 2 or 3 articles. It’s a markdown, but without the markdown signs.
When I do copy-paste of one article into my Inbox, the content on the right side is fine. But when I copy-paste the title into the ITEM’s title on the left side pane, it is pasted with all the markdown signs.
Can DT create a tool for Moving/importing from that application ? like for Yojimbo and Evernote…
That application exists only on App Store.
You are allowed to name “other” apps here. If indeed your post removed, that a mystery.
If you search this forum for the name of the other app (Yojimbo and/or Evernote), you are likely to find numerous prior discussions with suggestions.
I found a database location, of that application.
It is in: myname>Library>Group Containers>group.com.Name of company probably.Editor>Name of Application.
Clicking it opens up:
database, which extends to:
db.sqlite-wal…436 kb
db.sqlite-shm…33 kb
db.sqlite…5.2 MB
is that the one to import ?
If so, how about Moving it into DT ?
Thank you, but my initial posting was removed, didn’t understand why.
Anyhow, I just posted an extension to my question.
That application’s name is NOTO. It’s in App Store, developer SoySauce Lab.
There a couple more applications with same name or similar, but diff. developers.
Looks like it’s a SQLite database. You’ll need to get help from the NOTO’s support site or query to them as to the database structure and perhaps a way to export without crashing the app. Failing that, you can use SQL commands to query the databases yourself to figure out the database schema and then then export to something that you can import into DEVONthink, e.g. text or something. Probably not a trivial exercise even with SQL experience. Perhaps you could hire a SQL developer if you have funds.
In addition to @rmschne’s spot-on post about SQLite: There are free tools to explore the content of SQLite databases. They might help you to determine the internal structure of the data and thus ease exporting it – if all else fails, that is.
Aside: All the links on their “Support” page are broken. That wouldn’t make me very confident in asking their “Support” about anything at all.
Thanks rmschne and chrillek !!!
Yes, correct, they probably abandoned the application(although once a year they do issue a tiny update…). So, the only option is to copy-paste each article ?
And I have no clue about databases at all. So, DT wouldn’t help with that ?
Any other similar application that can import SQLite ? …and then I can import from there into DT ?
SQLite is a database “container” holding your data. Any app, one you buy or you doing SQL queries to the database, needs to know the “schema” (database structure) to know what to extract and create an output stream/file to import. I’m unaware of the NOTO app, nor of any apps into which you can import into as an intermediary into DEVONthink. Might be something somewhere. Deep internet searching may come up with something.
Understood. If I find any intermediary app., I’ll post here, in case maybe somebody will need it.
Thanks again!