How to regularly import / index mail from through DT?

Is there a recommendable way to regularly import / index mail from through DT? I have ongoing project w/ emails that are germane to the DT databases, and I’d like to group the data together. I wish there was an automated way to import new mail (within specified work folders) into specific databases and groups (and avoid re-importing previously imported mail). Any suggestions? Are there any scripts that might automate this process? Thanks!

You may want to investigate this thread: mail import rule.

Thanks so much for forwarding this. To be totally honest, I’m not very familiar w/ scripting (I’ve never set one up before), and it looks pretty advanced – certainly above my skill level. I’d fear my modifications to the script would probably screw things up. Is there another option or another way in which you’d suggest I proceed? Thanks very much…

Just wondering if there are any other ideas…? Thanks so much!