How to remove email app in sidebar importer

In the Importer sidebar, I would like to remove the Outlook app but keep the Apple app. I never use Outlook. How do I do this, please?

That’s not possible but might change in a future release. Collapsing Outlook in the sidebar is the recommended solution currently.

Checking in on this. I don’t know that it takes up much space but if I accidentally click it, it heavily interrupts my work flow. I’d love to remove outlook from here as well. Thanks.

Sorry but no, you cannot remove a section of the Import sidebar.

As @cgrunenberg mentioned, collapsing is the available option.

But bear in mind you can collapse the entire section, not just Outlook. Hover over Emails and the disclosure triangle will appear to the right of the section label. Click on it and the section will hide.

Thanks @BLUEFROG. Collapsing is useful, to be sure. I will just need to make a habit not to open the Outlook carrot.


You’re welcome :slight_smile: