How to unbind "Clip to DEVONthink" hotkey on Safari?

Whenever I use Command+Shift+C hotkey on Safari, the “Web Clip” window opens in DEVONthink Dock Tab.
This is extremely annoying because this is a default hotkey for “Start Element Selection” on Safari. I use this hotkey at least once a day. I got used to it, and I have no idea to use this keybind for DEVONthink.

I tried to change the hotkey by setting Option+Shift+C to Preference > Sorter > Clip to DEVONthink Hotkey. Now “Web Clip” window opens not only with Command+Shift+C but also with Option+Shift+C!

If there is a workaround for this, please let me know.

The internal shortcut of the extension can’t be changed and works also if the app and therefore the Sorter are not running. Disabling the extension should fix this.

So disabling the extension is the only way to fix this. Is there any possibility to fix this problem in future, say, by make that hotkey optional? Or is this a problem on Safari side so it won’t fix?

The extension isn’t required for clipping, using the Sorter’s hotkey or just clicking the Sorter’s menu extra and choosing Safari should be sufficient too.

Nice, thank you for your support!