HTML code failure in DTTG with Formatted Note

I have some standard HTML code (summary/details)
that works fine for this forum, and Markdown notes
but fails for Formatted Note in DTTG
Is there any hope to get this working or am I doomed to using Markdown :frowning:
Example code

Epcot Center

Epcot is a theme park at Walt Disney World Resort featuring exciting attractions, international pavilions, award-winning fireworks and seasonal special events.

In a Formatted Note, we don’t get the open/close function, and just see

Epcot Center
Epcot is a theme park at Walt Disney World Resort featuring exciting attractions, international pavilions, award-winning fireworks and seasonal special events.

How does it fail?

Indeed. I created a HTML file with just your detail/summary element in DT, converted that to a formatted note and everything was fine on DT. Synchronized to DTTG, and the whole functionality of the element was gone, including the triangle marker.

The source of the note is ok on iOS (shown by Textastic).

Interestingly, the HTML document works ok in DTTG (and there the arrow is positioned ok while it is too high in DT).

I have no idea what is going on here. Especially, since DT and DTTG should (must on iOS) use Apple’s WebKit engine for HTML and formatted notes. The latter are only HTML, anyway.

Perhaps @BLUEFROG has an idea or knows someone who has.

The editor of DEVONthink To Go doesn’t use the WebKit due to its limitations on iOS.

Do you mean “HTML display” instead of “editor”? Anyway, it seems that in this particular case, WebKit is less limited than whatever DTTG uses here.

It’s the same in case of formatted notes, there’s no difference between editing & previewing.

DEVONthink To Go uses/has to use WKWebKit which is Apple’s current web framework. On the Mac, we are able to use the (legacy) WekKit which is far more open and allows, e.g., inline editing.

But shouldn’t WKWebView display a detail/summary element just like WebView and Safari/iOS do?

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Yes, it should. Only editing is a completely different beast on iOS. Sharing the whole formatted note might be helpful.

I converted the HTML record to formatted note on DT. Interestingly, the log window says “Not converted” without any further detail, but the note is there. Here’s the source of it:

<!DOCTYPE html><html dir="auto"><head><meta name="DT:isEditableNote" content="Yes"/>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<body style="margin:1.5em; font-family:'CenturySchoolbook','Century Schoolbook'; font-size:16px">
  <summary>Epcot Center</summary>
  <p>Epcot is a theme park at Walt Disney World Resort featuring exciting attractions, international pavilions, award-winning fireworks and seasonal special events.</p>


And that’s the view on DT
Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-07 um 11.00.04
(note how the arrow is too high). Same view in Firefox and Safari, where the arrow is positioned in the center of “Epcot”.

And this is what we see on the iPad:

On iPad, I can’t share this note to Safari nor any other browser. Only Textastic and some other apps are offered. With an HTML file, at least iCabMobile is offered (not Safari, though).

For tweaking the formatted note html code, I use the external text editor app (Textastic)

Thanks for looking into this; I’ve been down the same rabbit hole

Thank you for sharing. I see what is happening. Contrary to DEVONthink for Mac, which uses WebKit for both displaying and editing, DEVONthink To Go uses iOS’ rich text editing capabilities for — also — both, displaying and editing formatted notes. These editing capabilities are made for formatted text, not for editing HTML, so special HTML features such as the <details> construct, are simply not available.