HTTP status code 500 and CKErrorDomain 15

Hi Everyone,

My installation of DEVONthink stopped syncing over iCloud a few days ago. It reports HTTP status code 500 and CKErrorDomain 15.

I have read many discussions about these errors in the forum.

I would like to fix the problem instead of using Bonjour because I don’t want to have to turn my VPN off for every sync and I don’t want to have to worry about having all my computers and devices on at the same time to keep the databases current.

Jim has pointed out several times that the problem lies with Apple. So I talked with Apple about the error messages. Apple won’t work with a user of a third-party app to fix the problem. I’ve concluded that the only way to make progress toward a solution is for DEVONthink people to work with Apple on the problem.

I have not seen any information in the forum about what DEVONthink people have already tried to do with Apple to get the problem fixed.

So, a question: Have DEVONthink people done all they can? Notified Apple? Tried to work with them on a solution? Pushed hard for a fix?

If so, then I will have to accept the state of affairs. But if not, would you please try to do more?

By the way, I read the somewhat contentious forum discussion about whether or not this is Apple’s problem. I have no way of knowing. But when I search for “ckerrordomain 15” on the Web, all the (few) results have to do with DEVONthink. Is that because the problem is specific to DEVONthink and maybe there is indeed a problem in the code? Or because DEVONthink is reporting the problem in the log in a unique way? Or something else?

In the meantime, I’ll try iCloud (legacy) sync and see how that goes.

Many thanks for any help.


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Syncing with iCloud (Cloudkit) is working file for me :crossed_fingers:t3:
I also have Bonjour running as backup

If/When the iCloud sync fails I won’t spend time in discussion
To continue with remote sync my easiest solution is Dropbox
Please let us know if iCloud (Legacy) is working for you

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A brief Confucian answer: The flea cannot wag the tail of the dog.

We are not the only developers with CloudKit issues. Actually, we are one of the ones not throwing in the towel.

Why don’t you try Dropbox instead?

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Without an answer to my questions, I must conclude that DEVONtech has not done all that it could to solve a problem that affects its users.

If DEVONtech has tried hard and has found that the dog is unresponsive, please just say so.

If other developers are having this same problem, why does a Web search not show them?

I do not use Dropbox because of cost and concerns about privacy and security.

If other developers are having this same problem, why does a Web search not show them?

CloudKit isn’t one simple mechanism reporting one error. There are other CloudKit errors out there.

I do not use Dropbox because of cost and concerns about privacy and security.

Use of an encryption key should alleviate “concerns about privacy and security”

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I use Bonjour and CloudKit. I have read that VPN must be off for Bounjour but FWIW I never turn off VPN and Bonjour seems to work fine for me.


What VPN provider are you using?

NordVPN. It may be a function of my devices being on the same VPN server. I don’t really know but like I said, it seems to work fine for me.

Pretty obvious that DevonThink is using CloudKit API calls and doing it correctly as it worked fine for me for years and years.

Also pretty obvious that an HTTP 500 error means that the server endpoint (ie Apple’s dominion) crapped out. We don’t know why though - only Apple knows. I know from having enough of my own server architecture that it’s likely to be 1) resources overdrawn (load balancer can’t get anything live backend, etc); 2) some sort of privilege issue (meaning Apple has some bad plist file somewhere probably); 3) some sort of bad workers/event threads (failure to garbage collect or recycle children); or 4) and MOST LIKELY for Apple - cache failures of some kind in the middleware.

This is what I was getting at in my other thread reply where I mentioned that verifying the iCloud database still works as well as verifying the location.

Just a guess on my part but likely Apple has some middleware between the endpoint and storage and it or the pipes are ganked until some garbage collection or process recycling happens.


I appreciate the patience of DTP support as there repeated threads about this issue have been opened in the past. I believe you that technically you have done all that is possible on your side.

But, have DTP developers been able to get in direct contact with Apple to investigate this issue? Or is there no “channel” to clarify such issues directly with Apple?

Might it be that other third party developers using Apple cloud do not show such errors to the user as long as sync is at least working within a certain acceptable timeframe? This might explain why indeed there are indeed only very few reports about other apps and this error.

For me icloud sync works fine at the moment - therefore I believe DTP support and developers that it has indeed to do something with the icloud sync on the server side.

Thank you so much for listening.

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It’s Apple, no doubt. As has been said countless times before, if CloudKit isn’t working, switch services. Hit and miss. It’s worked fine for me for the most part and I already pay Apple enough money monthly, which is why I don’t move to Dropbox or something else. Gotta live with the limitations.


for me icloud sync works absolutely fine at the moment. therefore currently no reason to switch sync service for me. I am very absolutely happy with DTP and especially with its fantastic support, i.e. the unbelievable work and time Jim invests in answering all support requests and many threads here. But I have a certain understanding for the questions of the OP (although, it would have been better to make them in one of the many existing CKErrorDomain 15 threads instead opening a new one)


Honestly, it’s about as direct as sending a fan letter to a celebrity. :confused: Is there an official place for us to report issues? Yes, of course. Does that mean those reports are acknowledged? Not necessarily, and usually, no. That doesn’t mean the issue isn’t read, but I guarantee not all of them are or at least not in any depth.

Cutting Apple a small amount of slack, there are also 34,000,000+ (yes, million) developers registered with Apple. Compare that to the number of developers/quality assurance people/etc. who work inside Apple. And of the 34+ million, we are a fraction of a percent of a fraction of a percent.


It doesn’t surprise me that unfortunately there are no direct responses from Apple in most cases.

Would it perhaps make sense for such errors not to automatically appear in the log file, but only when they are truly relevant (though I, as a user, cannot judge to what extent this would be sensible)? Even in times when I often encountered this error in the past, the sync actually worked relatively well.

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Errors are always relevant. Just as you can drive a car with the Check Engine light on, you shouldn’t be able to turn the light off just because you can still drive it (and you should be going to a mechanic very soon!).

So even if the error is known but irreconcilable by us, it’s better to be aware there is something going on. And trust me, we make adjustments (well @cgrunenberg does :smiley: ) to our sync engine with every release, including ones trying to improve anything we can regarding CloudKit.

And now, it’s 3:13 AM… :sleeping:

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It’s probably the same as with security issues, bugs in frameworks etc. Apple just behaves like a black hole.
Even when I was working as an editor, Apple was the most unresponsive company, treating media as all the other entities: something to be ignored unless they are somehow useful for marketing purposes.


I just want to share that I also got this exact same problem starting about a week ago, and I’ve used iCloud sync for years without an issue (Legacy and then switched to current version when that became available). I use DT on 4 devices (mac, iPhone, 2 iPads), so this has put me in a pickle to fix as I haven’t been able to use it for about a week now to prevent sync issues (just haven’t had time to address it).

I am curious how many DT users have run into this issue over the past week or so … did Apple have some kind of meltdown they are not admitting to(?).

Speaking of meltdowns, maybe I’ll try and fix this today going through these threads if I can focus.

That has been talked about here (and elsewhere). Apple had serious problems with their infrastructure around April 3rd (iirc). And they admitted to it (no alternative to doing that, I guess).


I’ve posted about it including the time it quit for me. I’m like you - iCloud legacy then moved to iCloud new. All without problems.

I decided yesterday to add bonjour. I have an always on Mac at my house - after learning the hard way that my MacBook wasn’t the ideal base station because it won’t sync when asleep, I moved to the always on Mac and set it to take incoming. I’ve since told all my others to talk to that machine and sync the two databases I use amongst them. After initial syncs, so far it’s been nice. Nice enough that I wonder why I didn’t add bonjour long ago.


In reading some of the threads, it seems the best solution to avoid future sync issues is to use Bonjour, or maybe even WebDAV sync via Synology. I’ve never used WebDAV, but I do have my Synology running 24/7 (for Plex mostly). Is WebDAV difficult for an ‘average user’ to implement and have it accessible outside the home, and if not too bad, how reliable is it? Could I potentially run into sync issues as well with WebDAV in which case maybe Bonjour is perhaps the most bulletproof sync solution? I haven’t used Bonjour in several years because iCloud/Dropbox was supposed to be the cat’s meow (that was my takeaway anyway at the time). Regarding Dropbox, I really don’t want to pay for yet another subscription to increase my space, so I don’t really want to consider it (I pay Apple enough money and would love to just use their built-in solutions that I already pay for and should just work - come on, Apple).

The reason I love a cloud sync solution is because I interchangeably use my iPhone and iPad when away from home … so it’s nice that they sync up automatically as I’m switching devices depending on what I’m doing, and then they all sync up at home when I open DT on the mac. I appreciate any advice! Thanks.