I can not convert any of my files into md pdf epub

Maybe I deleted, some files, or some operations, resulting in my m2 max chip, can not perform file conversion, even if I reinstall the DT software, please tell me how to solve my problem, thank you

It would help to help you if you’d describe the problem in a bit more detail. Already, the title makes no sense to me – what do you want to convert to what? How? Versions of OS, DT? Error messages in DT log window?

I want to convert pdf files into md files, but I get a pure text file, no image, md page does not show, only show text ; converting to rich text does not generate any files, no matter which version of DT I use, I re-installed different, downloadable DT versions such as 3.9.8, 3.9.6, 3.8.3 My mac system is 15.2 ( 24C101 ), get
2024/12/17, 14:52:33: Inbox > s41467-024-46043-y Not Converted

Maybe I updated the new system, or deleted the cache file ?
I use my intel processor mac computer, version is 13.4.1 ( c ) ( 22F770820d ) without any problems, with the DT version is 3.9.8, can be successfully converted.

MD files never contain images. So no surprise there.

What does that mean? MD is text. Always. Perhaps a screenshot helps to explain what you see and what you don’t see.

Aside: Why do you want to convert PDF to MD? I don’t really see the point of loosing all the formatting of the PDF.

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md does not contain pictures, but DT can convert pictures in pdf and save them in attachments. It can be displayed that the current DT can only convert my pdf into txt, and there is no picture md link, that is, rich txt, instead of the previous md file, containing md links such as ( ) of the picture ;
PDF can 't translate epub or rich txt, I sometimes use it for translation, typesetting, better reading, or feed the graph to gpt. Now these do not work in the DT, before it can run very well, I encountered trouble. I don 't know how to make these functions run normally.

What makes you think that?

If English is not your first language, you should consider using a translation service to make your posts easier to understand. There’s too much guess work involved right now.

PDF can easily be converted to normal text if it contains a text layer. If not, no chance. And I suppose there would be a noticeable difference between converting to text and markdown – the text layer in the PDF doesn’t contain any formatting information anyway, so the MD couldn’t contain more than the text anyway. (In my experiment, the MD was simply empty, which is perhaps not quite expected).

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Thank you very much for your patience in answering my questions. I apologize for any confusion I may have caused, and I will try my best to describe my problem clearly.

I used to be able to use DevonThink (DT) on both my Intel-based and M2-based Mac computers to successfully convert PDF files (containing images, such as research papers) into Markdown (MD) files. These MD files included both the text and the images, with the images stored in an associated attachments folder. This worked perfectly fine.

However, after updating my M2 Mac to macOS 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d) or potentially accidentally deleting some system files, I can no longer use DevonThink on this M2 Mac to convert PDFs to MD files that include images. Now, the converted MD files only contain the text, and the images are missing.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

  • I have tried reinstalling different versions of DevonThink (3.9.8, 3.9.6, 3.8.3) on the M2 Mac, but the problem persists.

Error Log:

When I attempt to convert the PDF to Rich Text format, DevonThink’s log shows the following error:

2024/12/17, 14:52:33: Inbox > s41467-024-46043-y Not Converted

Device Information:

  • Device Where Conversion Works:

    • Intel-based Mac
    • macOS Version: 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d)
  • Device Where Conversion Fails:

    • M2-based Mac
    • macOS Version: Updated to 15.2 ( 24C101 )
  • Software and Versions Used (Tried): DevonThink 3.9.8, 3.9.6, 3.8.3

Problem Summary:

After updating the system or possibly deleting some files, DevonThink on my M2 Mac can no longer convert PDFs with images into MD files that include both text and images. It can only convert to plain text MD files. When converting to Rich Text, the log shows a “Not Converted” error.

Desired Outcome:

I want to be able to use DevonThink on my M2 Mac to successfully convert PDF research papers (containing images) into MD files that include both the text and the images, just like I could before the system update.

Thanks – now everything is a lot clearer. Is there a reason you didn’t upgrade to a more recent macOS version?

Though, I’m still puzzled that DT could ever extract images from PDFs into a separate group. IMO, there’s nothing that makes an image stand out in a PDF from everything else – an image could be a sequence of drawing instructions as well as a pixel blob. And that’s not different from text, basically…

Anyway, I tried converting a PDF to MD here (macOS 15.2, DT 3.9.8, M2 silicon) and got an empty MD file. Nothing in the log.

Trying to convert to RTF, I also got a “not converted” message in the log and no file at all.

Converting to plain text got me the text layer.

@cgrunenberg or @BLUEFROG might know more about that.

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Well, it is very likely to be a problem with the system update. I have the same problem as you. DT may be needed to solve this problem.

It’s a known issue on macOS 15.x, the next maintenance release will fix this.

The OP is on 13.4.1 Apparently, their AI hallucinated a wrong version.

This is an error generated by gemini 1206, I modified 15.2 ( 24C101 ). Thank you very much

I like your software very much, look forward to 4.0 ai function,Or there is an API interface