I got a problem in Server

./images/abc.jpeg is not working

Does /images/abc.jpeg or images/abc.jpeg work? Which browser do you use?

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You’re amazing, it’s solved. /images/abc.jpeg or images/abc.jpeg are ok.


Welcome @moon8891

Relative and absolute links in Markdown are covered in the Documents > Markdown Documents section of the built-in Help and manual…

I have new problem.

Index files .md images or /images is not working

I thought if the file in Databases api like this view?id=13119011-6027-45A9-A1AB-2494DF16435E
index files api like this abc/images/16fba6bb7a244aeb9b40ab042f9023bd.png

so not working abc/images/16fba6bb7a244aeb9b40ab042f9023bd.png in Index files

Thanks, I’ll check it

No, that is not going to work.

You need to use relative or absolute links as I mentioned previously.
You also can get the item link from the contextual menu in the websharing interface, if you want to use that.

How? I change it absolute still not working

x /Volume/Data/abc/images/abc.jpeg
x file:///Volume/Data/abc/images/abc.jpeg
x /abc/images/abc.jpeg
x …/images/abc.jpeg

Index file in server, Can I try something?

Is index files? Yes, working in DT app ,not working in DT server web

Yes, those are all indexed images in my example.

And this one is indexed from an external hard drive connected to this Mac…


where am I worry?

In the images group in the root of the db. same error

Microsoft Edge
Version 126.0.2592.68 (Official build) (64-bit)

These are not supported syntaxes…


PS: Edge on macOS…

Thanks for your help. there different is your md file is new in DB

It’s my test, left new file in DB, right index file.

right index file.

Are you saying the Markdown document is indexed?

yes, the .md file always in indexed.

So, your MD file is indexed and the images are not? Which means that the MD file is outside DT’s database and the images are inside. How do you expect relative URLs to work in such a context?

If that’s indeed the case, you don’t “have a problem in server”. You have a conceptual problem in your setup. An URL in a MD file must make sense in the rendered HTML. Neither absolute (referring to the database root) nor relative ones (referring to a database group) do, since the MD file is not inside the database.

I suggest you settle for indexing or importing MD and the referred images, not mixing it.


If indeed, your Markdown document is indexed but the images are not, the @chrillek is correct – that will not work. Imported images are not stored in Finder folders and they are hidden away in the internals of the database. (And no, you do not want to try linking to (or generally accessing) things in the internals of a database.)