If we index on the machine that the files are connected to, share the index in cloudkit, should an iPad be able to download the indexed files if syncing the indexed database?

If we index on the machine that the files are connected to, share the index in cloudkit, should an iPad be able to download the indexed files if syncing the indexed database? It works fine within Bonjour, but not within Cloudkit… nothing happens when I click download other than a little spinning icon, then nothing.

What I am doing: I have some books, comics, magazines indexed. I would like to be able to download them on my iPad when I have time to read when I am out and about.

Thanks for all of your help!

Indexed file are NOT inside DEVONthink; so when synced to other devices, e.g. your iPad running DEVONthink ToGo, they will not be there.

The simplest options:

  1. Import the files into DEVONthink, then sync
  2. Put the files into another sync engine independent of DEVONthink (Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, … there are many) and then use the applicable app to handle the sync to the device to be ready to read when you want.

I can think of a few more complex/sophisticated solutions, but we’ll leave it at that for now.

They won’t be available outside of DEVONthink To Go but DEVONthink To Go can of course download the files to its database (and this is accessible via the Files.app).

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  • Is there anything reported in DEVONthink’s Window > Log?
  • Is there a triangle on the sync icon in DEVONthink To Go’s bottom toolbar? If so, touch it and tell me what it reports.

That was indeed what I intended to say as Point 1. Guess I missed it. Oh well.

I wanted to first find out if this was possible. I have two people in this thread saying it cannot be done, yet it works fine with a Bonjour sync. I tried it with Cloudkit and it did not work so I deleted it off of my iPad. Before I go through the steps to resync, does this work through Cloudkit? Thanks for your help.

You’re the expert, but how?

If the indexed files are stored on a desktop Mac’s hard drive, and the Mac is powered off, where is DTTG downloading them from?

If they’re stored in a cloud location – like a Dropbox folder – how does DTTG find and get access to that location?


From the specified sync location, e.g. iCloud (CloudKit), Bonjour etc.

So indexed files are contained in the sync store?

The mac that indexed the files is never powered off and is a server attached to the net.

I’m thinking of the general case, where that isn’t necessarily true.

Exactly (at least if the option to upload indexed contents is not disabled)

I am quite baffled as I have totally missed out this feature. That means we can have access to files on a Mac via mobile devices, even when it’s not running. Great!

But then also the question comes up if the ghost files some users encountered could also occur outside of DEVONthink.

Please clarify what you mean by this.

Ah, I now see (and comprehend/internalise for first time) 'INDEXING AND SYNC" on Page 60 of DEVONthink Manual V 3.6.3. The learning not just for day, but the month so far!

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