Import Mail Attachments

Via the plugin for Apple Mail, emails are imported in the “Email” format and attachments are only accessible as hyperlinks.

How can I import mail attachments (PDF) directly? In the past, I think it was possible with a script that was addressed via rules in Mail. But the script does not work anymore.

Is there currently a way with which I can archive PDF attachments from emails directly in Devonthink.

It is about an email address to which only invoices for accounting are sent. I would like to archive these again separately in Devonthink.

Welcome @Chris13

What edition of DEVONthink are you running?

Version 3.7.1 Pro-Edition

Note: The current version is 3.7.2. Make sure you stay current with the point releases.

You can drag and drop the attachment from the email into the database, either in Apple Mail or from an email in DEVONthink.

Also, with an email selected in Apple Mail, open the global script menu in the menubar at the top of your screen and choose Add attachments to DEVONthink.

Note: DEVONthink must have Full Disk Access and any Automation requested allowed in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Update I will install.

Drag&Drop works. I just tested that.

But for that I have to open each mail manually and add the file to DevonThink.

Is there no way to import all attachments of mails in one folder at once? E.g. mail from one month or one year.

Maybe with a script.

No problem.

As I mentioned previously…

Also, with an email selected in Apple Mail, open the global script menu in the menubar at the top of your screen and choose Add attachments to DEVONthink .

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Unfortunately, the script “Add attachments to DEVONthink” does not work. When I click on it, no action is performed.

If I click the script “Add mailboxes & attachments to DEVONthink”, then an import takes place. But again only with hyperlinks to the PDF.

Did you have an email selected when you ran the first script?

I use a modified version of the Devonthink import script
Add message(s) & attachments to DEVONthink
The selection criteria is

tell application "Mail"
   set theMessages to (messages of mailbox "Devonthink" of account "iCloud")
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