I have exported notebooks to *.enex files and imported to DT3 without problems.
However, the largest notebook creates a *.enex file of 15,5 GB.
DT3 fails to import.
Are there others with similar problems?
Ist there a workaround?
Have you tried using the Evernote import option in File>Import>Notes from Evernote instead of exporting and then importing?
Welcome @pkayatz
That’s a very large .enex file. I don’t have any data regarding a file of that size but it must be unusual as I’ve never seen another such report.
You could try the import method @rpallred suggested.
Do you have Evernote 10 installed? If so, I had to remove it and install Evernote Legacy (and restart the computer) and then import worked correctly.
Thanks, repallred. This is what I just did.
The import of notes seems to work (for now for small notebooks) I have to wait untill Evernote has completed the download.
I will get back to you
Yes, going back to Evernote Legacy works fine for me.
Did not test to import 15 GB at once. But, as there is no 50 note limit, - I import year by year ca. 2000 notes per year, which works fine for me.
Thanks to all.
Glad it worked!
That was really the thing about Evernote that finally made me jump off–realizing that I could only get my data out with Legacy, and an unclear roadmap forward. I didn’t want to get to a day where Legacy would no longer work and without a decent export from v.10.
My problem was the slow responsiveness of Evernote, that drove me crazy.
I use Evernote since 2008 - so not an easy step for me.