I suggest that “Summarize Highlights” adds a double line between individual quotes rather than the current single line. This would help i) better distinguish individual highlighted text passages and ii) avoid confusion between highlights with a “Details” comment and those without.
An example of what I mean is the following. Suppose I highlight a file as below.
There are four highlighted text elements. For the first two I’ve included a short description in the Details pane and for the last two text elements I’ve only highlighted.
I then use the “Summarize Highlights” function to generate a summary of all these elements. It looks like this:
Note that each highlight element (highlight or short description) is separated by one blank line and there is also only one blank line moving from one highlight to the next. Adding two black lines between all elements belong to one highlight and the next would improve differentiation and allow also the text file to be split into separate files for further analyses.
In addition if the highlight colour is lost say in converting to text I do not know anymore which was the highlight and which is my own short description. Adding two blank lines would help maintain this distinction.
Lastly, I would also suggest that the page reference is repeated for each highlighted passage rather than only after a change of page. This would help further analyses of the highlights in chunks or separate files.