When I am in a search list and I “Reveal” an item of it, something just broke: there’s no way I can get back to the search list in the state it was: the same list, with the same document selected.
I know I can reveal in new window, through contextual menu, yet …
A few suggestions :
make the “< >” arrows top-left of the “listview panel” work with search, meaning every “search results list” would be another step in the history of the panel so that after revealing I then could get back to the search.
What about CTRL+CMD+R ?
Also it feels really weird that reveal in new window is only avail from contextual menus when pressing ALT and not from the Data menu. Intended?
It looks like this wasn’t implemented. I wanted to go back to my search results after accidentally triggering reveal (command+R). Can we still get this feature? Or a “go back to previous view” menu item.
I considered a way of mitigating this by making command+R reveal in a new window by default, but it seems not doable.
Is there a way in Applescript to “reveal selected in new window”?
I have the pro edition of 3.9.6, standard view, on Sonoma 14.3.1, mac mini M2.
Here’s two recordings showing what I mean. Two different behaviors. The first one is a search done with a freshly launched devonthink. Back button disabled.