Improving Smart Rule

Hi all,

I have the smart rule outlined below. The goal is to OCR any image that comes into my inbox and place the OCRed text into the finder comment section. The general idea is to make images searchable.

Q 1: Is this the best way to do it?
Q 1.1: I have set a condition to ignore images that have already been read. Otherwise, the smart rule would loop over images without any text. Is there a more efficient way to avoid such behaviour?

You could mark the OCRed items in some way, e.g. by using a tag, a label or custom metadata. This would avoid processing images again and again that don’t contain any text.

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As they already check for “Marked as Unread”, they could simply set “Marked as Read” after the OCR step, I guess.

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Thank you, @cgrunenberg & @chrillek!
I will explore those two options. :slight_smile: