Indexing documents stored in iCloud

Is it possible to index documents that are stored in iCloud?

Thanks for any hints!


It’s possible, but a lot of people believe accessing these documents outside of the app that created them is risky. Your iCloud documents for each app with iCloud storage are located in the Mobile documents folder in your user library. for example, iA Writer documents would be located in the path:
~/Library/Mobile Documents/74ZAFF46HB~jp~informationarchitects~Writer/Documents

iCloud allows one layer of folders within the Documents folder, so it is possible that the path for some apps could be:
~/Library/Mobile Documents/74ZAFF46HB~some Application/Documents/Folder A
~/Library/Mobile Documents/74ZAFF46HB~some Application/Documents/Folder B
~/Library/Mobile Documents/74ZAFF46HB~some Application/Documents/Folder C

Thanks for helping, Greg! I’ll give it a try with some test docs first.