Indexing Papersapp

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I have read the threads that popped up when I searched Papers and do not see my issue. I have spent a LOT of time cleaning up my Papersapp database. There are still some issues but none major. I indexed my collection of over 1000 documents to DevonThink. (new database called PapersResearch). My other files are in a database called MyCollection. Each time I open DevonThink, I see that it’s indexing. . even after no changes, but MyCollection is indexing those same documents. . ? They are not in the library that I can see. . It also seems to be taking a long time. I appreciate any feedback.

Quitting and launching the app resumes indexing of items if necessary. In addition, two databases seem to contain items that still have to be indexed due to two activities of this kind. Does emptying the trash fix this? And finally, what kind of files did you actually index? E.g. huge PDF documents?

This activity indexes the text & metadata of items already added to the database, it doesn’t add any additional items to the database.

Thank YOU!!! I did have some of those documents in my ‘main’ database and have now emptied the trash.
In the PapersResearch database, there are some large PDF documents. One almost 200 MB. I don’t have to keep it there if those cause an issue. The Papers app is terrific but the search engine in DT is a marvel.

It shouldn’t cause any issues but indexing huge PDF documents might require some time.