Instapaper article integration

This has been raised before, but I’ll raise it again.

Smooth integration between Devonthink and Instapaper would be a boon. Instapaper provides a great way of capturing web articles from any OS, without friction. I use it as my global inbox - but then I have to get the articles to DT.

It’s not too painful, but having them just appear in DT’s Global Inbox would be even better.

I’d like to cast a vote for links between DT and Instapaper that mean hitting the “Send to Instapaper” bookmarklet on my Mac/iPad/iPhone automatically drops all articles of interest, formatted and linked back to their source, into DT.

That really would be a global inbox worth having.

If you subscribe to the RSS feed of your Instapaper account in DEVONthink, you’ll get all this automatically.

Thanks, Greg. That goes close enough, but ideally I’d like to view the Instapaper-formatted articles in Devonthink.

Is it possible to use Safari’s Reader technology in DT? That might be a workaround. Memo to self: check.

I agree with the request to get the feeds formatted as Instapaper-that would indeed be sweet. As an alternative, I would like the subscribed feed to Instapaper use the feed style sheet in DEVONthink, although I suspect to see that a change would have to take place on Instapaper’s end.

I don’t know about the Safari Reader integration in Safari-let us know what, if anything, you find out.

I’m looking for the same solution!