Is modified field expected to update when searching and clicking files

Hi there :wave:

When I search for content in my files, the files with hits gets their modification timestamp updated when I click the file. Is this expected behavior and can I change this?

TIA :pray:

The modification date shouldn’t change. What kind of file did you view and which version of macOS and of DEVONthink do you use? And are these imported or indexed files?

Thanks for your reply :+1:

It is pdf files (PDF+text) and the files are imported.

Mac OS version 15.1.1 and DT 3.9.8

Does the PDF document contain a form? Or could you send us a zipped copy of the document?

I don’t think there’s any form, but I would be happy to send you the files. Where do I send it to? I have created a tiny recording of my screen here. This time I had to click the files two times before they updated.

Do you use any smart rules that might be triggered on opening/viewing files? Otherwise please send a zipped copy of the file to cgrunenberg - at - - thanks!

Does it happen when searching in groups in that database? What about other databases?

How do I search in groups?

Same thing happens ::

Replied in email :slight_smile: