Is there a plugin for Gallica? Or Google books?

I use Gallica, the Bibliothèque Nationale De France’s digital library on a regular basis. Unfortunately, my favored search terms are also used in surgery-- and as a result, I have to weed out the spurious hits-- and BNF’s filters are somewhat crude.

I’m also interested in Google Books. If anybody has a search strategy or plugin for those two sites, those would help me decide whether to bundle it with my Devonthink 2–3 upgrade.

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Neither of those sites has a plugin, and it is undetermined how easily they would be supported. We will look at this as time allows. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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This would be absolutely great: I would also note that could be a shared need among users (including me).


Classifying content downloaded or bookmarked from Google Books and (more frequently) is a massive part of my everyday use of DT3.

To anyone who sees this: NEVER assume Google Books content that exists online in the form of historical (out-of-copyright) as existing forever! I have been burnt by this assumption over the years on more times than I care to tell you. It appears that googles new stance on this matter is that if they receive a cease and desist letter of sorts, they simply remove the item.

more relevant to OP, I personally would be curious what a DA plugin for either site could/would do. I find content on either platform just by searching Google.