Item Linking Parameters - Search Not Performing As Expected

I have a large technical publication with item links that I am trying to update to a revised version. So far I can get the new document version through item linking but the text/annotation I want is being searched for. This is my syntax:


I am searching for the phrase, “Sabre Flight Planning Manual”. The document does have an OCR layer; I can get to the page using the page parameter but I am trying to avoid that as page numbers do change sometimes.

Why are you using an ampersand? That denotes a new parameter.

Also, from the Automation > Item Links of the built-in Help and manual

Because the voice in my head told me to. :slight_smile:

Removing the ampersand doesn’t result in a successful search…

You can’t just remove it and expect it to work. See the example I marked in the documentation? The search string needs to be URL-encoded, so a space is %20.



Still just takes me to the first page in the document. This is what I am trying to search for:


Also as noted in my screen capture, it only jumps to the first occurrence.

%20 not just percent!

Indeed that is true as well.

You guys got me straightened out. Thanks so much.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: