kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork 301 on Strato HiDrive -WebDAV

Dear Community,
after years of flawless synchronization via WebDAV and a syncstore on Strato HiDrive, that setup ceased operations in the night from last Thursday to Friday. What worked fine on Thursday evening, would throw an error “Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork-Fehler 301.) kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork 301” yesterday morning.
While CyberDuck still works flawlessly with WebDAV credentials as well as MountainDuck and via link/browser, syncing on all devices (MacBook Pro M2, MacBook Pro INTEL, iPad, iPhone, MacBook Air M1) of my daughter and me ceased operations altogether simultaneously.
I was too late to check with Strato on FRI to find out if they have changed something in terms of protocol. I’ve got plenty space on HiDrive, all access credentials are the very same and have not changed in years. WebDAV is still enabled as protocol. I also tried access via GSM to see if my home network has a hiccup. No difference, same error message.
A bit tough as I’m just concluding a new edition on a book and need to be in sync with my data.
I assume there has been changes at STRATO but cannot verify right now.
Hoping for some crowd intelligence to get going again.
Everyone helping me solving the issue will be rewarded with an ePUB of the second edition of my book (ChatGPT - Das perfekte Versprechen) as soon as it’s out (German first, English will follow)
Thanks a lot out there!


where Strato and Ionos is apparently affected by something.

I’m not familiar with either of these services, but just reporting what others are reporting. I have my own WebDAV server running on Synology NAS with no issues.

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Two simple facts:

  1. You have changed nothing in your setup.
  2. We have changed nothing in DEVONthink.

Where does that lead (or point the finger in the direction of)…? :wink:

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I had that in the past and will roll back to that solution.
Not so much because STRATO had a hiccup but because of the way they are (not) dealing with it.

That was my conclusion. I was hoping for some BLUEFROG-Potter to waive his wand and apply some online magic. :hugs:

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Jürgen Schulze

Hallo Strato,

nachdem Ihr in der Nacht von Donnerstag auf Freitag das WebDAV-Protokoll abgeschossen habt (keine Synchronisation mehr möglich über ein WebDAV-Volume) und Ihr bereits Mitleidenden das eingestanden habt (und schnellen Behebung zugesichert habt), wäre es jetzt echt an der Zeit, das behoben zu haben. Für so einen Fehler sollten dann wohl auch keine Supportzeiten mehr gelten. Mal einen bezahlten Dienst über ein Wochenende nicht nutzen zu können, wenn man ihn dringend benötigt, ist doch etwas anderes, als ein Anwenderfehler. Und anachronistisch obendrein so von wegen Downtimes…



Da scheint mir meine Synology doch die bessere Wahl zu sein. Kostet mich nicht extra.

WebDAV Server: Authentication failed - only for DT and DTTG?!?


WebDAV Server: Authentication failed - only for DT and DTTG?!?

WebDAV Server: Authentication failed - only for DT and DTTG?!?

Jürgen Schulze

WebDAV ist in meinem Account aktiviert. Dafür habe ich den bei Euch. 3 Tage keinen Response ist unakzeptabel. Ich habe auch kein Interesse daran, für Support zu bezahlen, wenn es sich um einen (zugegebenen!) Fehler bei Euch handelt.

Ich bin stinksauer.

Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Text



Hallo Jürgen,

ich kann verstehen, dass dies sehr ärgerlich ist.

Derzeit arbeiten wir weiterhin an einer Lösung, damit dies schnellstmöglich wieder verfügbar ist. Wann dies der Fall sein wird, kann ich Dir nicht mitteilen.



STRATO hilft

Jürgen Schulze

STRATO AG Wie drückt sich „schnellstmöglich“ in % Verfügbarkeit im Hinblick auf SLA aus?

Wie plane ich mit „keine Ahnung, wann es gefixed ist“?

Was, wenn mir hier wirtschaftlicher Schaden entsteht? Darf ich den back2back an Euch weiter berechnen?

Bei allem Respekt: Das ist pfrüpfelig.

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Thanks for sharing your communications. :slight_smile:

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My solution was to change from Strato WebDAV to iCloud (CloudKit) …

Welcome @tk360

My solution was to change from Strato WebDAV to iCloud (CloudKit) …

Do you actually need a remote sync option?

I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question. What exactly do you mean?

Why are you using CloudKit (or previously HiDrive) instead of a sync on your local network?


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I have my databases on a mobile SSD, which I use on various Macs. The synchronization is primarily needed for data exchange for DTTG. As far as I know, this does not work with a local syncstore?

Correct, DEVONthink To Go doesn’t work with a local sync store. But your setup doesn’t dictate using one.
You can set up your Mac as a Bonjour server and DEVONthink To Go as a client on the mobile device and sync on your network that way.

Wow. I’ve just tested it. It works wonderfully! Thank you very much. I’ll keep testing!


You’re very welcome :slight_smile:
We all use Bonjour to a large degree in here. (Obviously we need to use other methods for support and testing.) It’s fast, generally very reliable, and about as private as a sync can get. :smiley: