Keep the original resolution of OCRed files

Thank you for the update :+1:

Just a question: How come that it did work on Intel Macs in the past? Why could one not have let it like that?

For me the OCR thing is unusable for quite some time now because of the low resolution resulting in blurry PDFs. It makes DT much less valuable compared to what it used to be.

I know you have little control over ABBYY release schedule but you hinted a year ago that they were working on enabling this feature on Intel Macs. Any ideas on how much longer it will be? These fuzzy OCR PDFs are still the main reason my significant other has adamantly refused to use DTP for her paper workflow.

Ironically she actually has an M1 MacBook Air but our document management server running DTP Server (where our Canon ImageFront scanner sends its PDFs) still runs on an older Intel Mac Mini, so the retain original DPI feature doesn’t work.

Is there a way for her to “re-OCR” her documents in her copy of DTP if I change the rule in DTP Server to not throw away the original PDF? Of course this is all a bit tricky since her laptop won’t do anything when it is asleep…


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Unfortunately we are still waiting for an updated Intel build from ABBYY, at present I do not have a definite release date however the last estimate was for Q1 2024.

You could use a smart rule to re-OCR the original documents. The example below would OCR any PDF that does not contain text.

Screen Capture 28 Nov 2023 at 09.50.33