Keeping Evernote in Sync

Good idea, Christian. That will be the simplest solution.

I have DTP 2.11.3 and EN 7.1. running on macOS 10.14.4. When I use DTP Import \ Notes from Evernote, I get duplicates.

The cause of the bug might be somehow connected to the fact that, immediately after I import the EN notebook, the EN icon in the taskbar starts to bounce, as if there is something I need to do with the app (e.g. save the file, synchronize, etc.). When I go to EN, however, there is no dialogue box requesting some needed action. In fact, despite the EN icon’s previous bouncing, everything in EN appears normal when I switch to the app.

Is it possible that the DTP import is causing EN to change the notes and, thereby, make them appear to be new to DTP when I do a subsequent import?

Welcome @redynStruC

This is not a bug. Evernote imports will create duplicates. It will not “sync with Evernote”.

Evernote’s dock icon bounces as it’s interacting via an AppleScript channel for the import. This is normal in this case.

Thank you BLUEFROG for informing me that the DTP’s File / Import / Notes from Evernote will not “sync.” I wasn’t looking for syncrhonization, exactly, but, rather, just thought DTP would ignore previously imported notes. I got that impression from the line I have italicized in this excerpt from the portion of the DTP online help I have pasted below:

  • Notes from Evernote: Imports the notebook selected in Evernote including names, dates, and tags. Notes are stored as formatted notes. Already imported notes are not updated again. The URL of the imported notes links back to the source URL of the notes in Evernote. This option requires the Evernote app be installed; it is not available in the App Store variant.

Ahh… no. That line merely meant subsequent changes people make in Evernote wouldn’t affect notes imported into DEVONthink.