Keyboard shortcut to activate menu bar note-taking ...?

I feel like I’m overlooking something glaringly obvious here, but here goes…

In my Mac’s menu bar (not in DEVONthink, not in Safari, the system menu bar), I have a DEVONthink button. I click that, and I can take a note.

I’d like to be able to hit a keyboard shortcut and have that pop up so I can enter notes quickly without having to use the mouse.

Is there a way to configure that somewhere?

  1. Keep DT3 running
  2. Open up in DT3 the Menu DevonThink3-Services-Services Preferences…
    Select the appropriate DEVONthink service such as DEVONThink 3: Take Rich Note and select the shortcut you want to use.
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Not at the Mac right now, so this is from memory, but…

Go to Preferences > Sorter. There you’ll find options to create shortcuts for three types of action with the Menu Bar (e.g. for a new note, for a web clipping etc).



That was a pretty good memory. :slight_smile: Thanks!

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Only because I keep forgetting them so I have to check…

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