I get the following error when trying to export large databases on my phone
any ideas?
How much memory do you have free on your device? What size has the database?
Well it’s an iPhone 15 pro and the database is multiple GB
I have an iPad m4 pro- would I have more luck setting up DEVONthink and export from there? No access to Mac OS unfortunately
As @chrillek asked, how much free memory available on your iPhone? Also how much used? Look in Settings → General → iPhone Storage.
Define this more precisely. Also, is the database large due to the volume of data or because it’s full of large files, e.g., audio/video?
It’s a very large number of PDFs in a medical database
In the database, do a search for kind:pdf then tap the view options and sort by Size. How large is it?
I have done this. It just says 500+ at the bottom.
Tap the view options > Summary > One Line.
You’re welcome
I’m not sure about the specific error from the ZipZap framework. @eboehnisch would have more insight on this.
One of the next versions will export databases as files-in-folders and no longer have the 4 GB limit imposed by the original ZIP file format (before the introduction of ZIP64) and the ZIP library currently used (contrary to macOS, iOS does not feature built-in methods for file compression).