Larger Toolbar UI elements and BIGGER search field

I had a similar request for more prominent search bar in DTTG and absolutely share the view that search bar in DT it not given the prominence it should have received. Your idea of allowing it to stick to a separate line sound cool to me.

  • I would give it much more UI % by not only increasing the width but also e.g. size of the text which can be used within it similar to View Text and Sidebar. I would advocate for having a “Search Text Size”

In addition to that, just a couple of ideas:

  • as a “workaround” for myself I settled on the Alfred workflow which bring the search directly at the center of the screen, which i personally find more convenient
  • actually, DT has a nice search widget in the inspector which by some strange reason only can search for folders but not the content of them. By changing the behaviour of that search widget and making it appear e.g. in the middle of the screen and/or just making the search bar more accessible/bigger, one could have an awesome instrument to search within DT wherever one is on the Mac
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