Link files in the DT database to a CP Notebook page


I’m a teacher and have just stumbled on DT/DA. They seem great and I’m trying to imagine how they might improve my workflow.

One question that has come up:

So far, I’ve been storing my files in folder on my drive and been tagging them with Leap. This is my teaching material.

When I prepare a class, I use only a few of those files and integrate them into an outline for the lesson which I note down in Circusponies Notebook. So far, I’ve dragged the file on the Notebook page to create a link which is handy because this way I can reuse my class outline later and immediately see, which files I need as worksheets etc.

Is there a way I can do the same with files inside DT, i.e. create a link to them in Notebook?

I would appreciate your help.
Andreas Kalt

I don’t have the current version of NoteBook, but try this to see if it works:

  1. In DEVONthink, select the file to which you wish to link.

  2. Choose Edit > Copy Item Link (Control-Option-Command-C).

  3. In NoteBook, paste the Item Link at the insertion point.

Click on the new link. Does it open the file within DEVONthink? (There appear to be bugs in Apple’s implementation – works with some, but not all, Cocoa applications.)

Excellent - it works!

Thanks very much!