I frequently access favorites at the top of the left sidebar and am writing a Keyboard Maestro to do so automatically. I am unable to find a link which navigates to favorites at the top of the left sidebar. I can use the Keyboard Shortcut ⌥ ⌘1 to open the left sidebar, but is there a Keyboard Shortcut which would navigate to the top of the left sidebar, or do favorites have a unique link ?
thank you very much
P.S. I am not referring to Go→ Favorites via the menu.
I can use the Keyboard Shortcut ⌥ ⌘1 to open the left sidebar, but is there a Keyboard Shortcut which would navigate to the top of the left sidebar, or do favorites have a unique link ?
Why are you doing this? Automation isn’t intended to navigate an interface, opening menus and clicking buttons like an apparition.
P.S. I am not referring to Go→ Favorites via the menu.
Why not? That is a perfect place to access your oft-used favorited items. It also makes possible setting shortcut keys for favorites in the System Settings or CustomShortcuts.
Also, setting a hotkey for Settings > Sorter > Search Hotkey opens the Sorter to the Navigate pane where you can access Favorites. If the directory list isn’t focused, tap the Tab key once. Now arrow up and down as needed. The list also responds to keyboard navigation, so typing the first letter(s) of an item jumps to it.
However, be aware the Sorter is for accessing groups, not documents or databases.
you are right. thank you very much !
You’re welcome
Jim, this one might not be simple, but can a shortcut be assigned to File>Close database>close all except “selected database”. Love that command, I know it is a slight segue but guessing not possible?
Unfortunately not, since the menu’s text dynamically changes.
tell application id "DNtp" to close (every database where it is not (get current database))
I mean, who doesn’t like a little flex now and then?
Be aware, if the database is actively syncing, this may not be useful until the process is finished.
Oh that is useful, I just attached it to a quick action in automator, and assigned it a shortcut works great. Thanks Jim!
It no longer matters as you have already received the solution. But since you are using Keyboard Maestro, just a hint. KM supports regex in the menu search.
So you are looking for a menu that always starts with
“close all except” followed by the name of the “selected database” which changes but is always in ‘quotation marks’.
I don’t understand much about this, but it could work like this
close all except\s“([^”]*)”
No I don’t have Keyboard Maestro, I was just using automator. I used the Automator app.
- Open Automator
- Select New Document, and then choose Quick Action
- In the “Workflow receives” dropdown, select no input in any application
- In the search bar on the left, type “Run AppleScript” and drag it into the workflow area
- Paste BlueFrog’s AppleScript into the Run AppleScript action
This creates a new service, which you can find in Settings, Keyboard, Services, General. Assign your shortcut and you’re good to go.
So far working great. Worth the effort if you use that menu command a lot like I do.