Link Problem in Markdown File


I’ve created a number of markdown documents in DTPO with both external URL links and internal x-devonthink-item links. I’ve created the links with “<“ and “>". (Example: x-devonthink-item://CDB6E61C-141B-4C6A-B264-74497DF270C1)

In DTPO all links work perfectly.

In DTTG the external links work, but the x-devonthink-item links aren’t showing up as links. (In DTTG, X-devonthink-item links do work for me in either RTF or plain text files, but not in markdown files.)

Are there any suggestions that might help me get these x-devonthink-item links working in markdown files in DTTG?



Welcome @scottbklyn
It’s likely because DEVONthink uses MultiMarkdown 6.
DEVONthink To Go is still on v5.

PS: That’s not a fully compliant Markdown link. Whenever possible, it’s best to use more vanilla approaches to ensure compatibility, e.g. [My File](x-devonthink-item://EE7CEABA-1911-4821-9DE9-E702AB6640B2)

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Your compliant markdown suggestion works like a charm.

Thanks for the super-quick solution. Much appreciated!

You’re very welcome! :slight_smile: