Linking/ Indexing databases...

Hi, all.

Don’t know if anyone can help with this very minor problem I have. I keep two databases in Pro, one for my own notes and one for stuff other people have written (I like to keep them separate - I have a morbid fear of accidentally plagiarising something I’d downloaded.) But I’d also like to have a system of referencing between the two. Of course, there’s no direct way like Wikis - I don’t expect DT to perform miracles. But I thought if I used File > Index to… or File > Link to… from one DB to the other… Has any one tried that? Would it work? What’s the pro’s and con’s? I haven’t tried it yet - seems a bit scary…

Any advice or ideas gratefully received…


It’s not currently possible to do communications between different DT Pro databases, except of course by exporting information from one and importing it into the other.