Linking text clippings back to location in original document

I want to pull short clips out of different docs (PDF’s, RTF, html) in my database into another indexing document, each of which is linked back to its original location WITHIN its original document (not just to the document).

I then want to be able to categorize the text clips according to categories I create, so that I can easily find all clips related to “apples”, for example, then click on one to be taken back to the location of that text in its original document.

I own DevonThink Pro but can’t figure out how to do this. Can it be done?

Hi, Dave. You can link from a text string in a document to another document, but you can’t link from a document or text string to a text string within a document.

You can add keyword tags or label tags to your clippings (e.g. keywords into the Comment field of the Info panel), so you can tag clips about apples with “apples”. There’s a script that would let you add the same tag to multiple documents at the same time.