Locations for tagged items: inconsistencies when (re)creating tags?

I’m trying to understand how nested tagging works in practice; it seems sometimes items show up in two places and sometimes only in one. I’ve got item A tagged with devonthink and devonthink/ai (the slash is an intended part of the tag name) and I’ve got item B tagged with devonthink and devonthink/scripting.

Why is item B not showing up under devonthink? If I remove the tag devonthink/ai for item A and add it again, it also only shows up under devonthink/ai - not under devonthink anymore. So it seems this is the intended behavior.


  • Are these considered inconsistencie created when tags get shuffled or (re)created?
  • Is the intended behavior that an item only shows up under the leaf tag (and not in two places)?

If these are considered inconsistencies; would the workaround / fix be to simple loop through all items with a script and reapply the tags (remove tags, save item, add same tags again)?

Item A: tagged with devonthink and devonthink/ai and indeed showing up both under devonthink and devonthink/ai

Item B: tagged with devonthink and devonthink/scripting but not showing up under devonthink, only under devonthink/scripting

Do you have more than one tag with the name “devonthink”?

That’s a good question. Normally: no. But this could well have happened during testing. I’ll runs some more tests!