Looking for help on this recursive handler (solved)

I am working on a script and encountered a strange issue: the whole script is doing what it’s supposed to do from external script editor but stops functioning when it is saved under the DT’s toolbar script folder and run as a button script.

I narrow the issue down to a recursive handler that obtains all RTF/RTFD/markdown files within any selection of files/groups/smart groups. The test script (see below) successfully retrives all files within a selection in any external editor or when it is saved under the DT’s script menu folder BUT do not function (when the selection contains at least one group) when it is saved under DT’s toolbar script folder. The alerts “Problem !” is shown every time the script is triggered by a button - the “getAllChildren” handler does not return any records.

Thank you very much in advance!

The testing script:

-- select any >1 items that include at least one group or smart group
tell application id "DNtp"
	set theGps to selection	
	set theRecords to my getAllChildren(theGps)
	if length of theRecords is 0 then
		display alert "Problem !"
		display alert "Success !"
	end if	
end tell

on getAllChildren(theseGps)
	local l
	set l to {}
	tell application id "DNtp"
			repeat with each in theseGps
				if (type of each as string) is in {"group", "smart group"} then
					set l to l & my getAllChildren(children of each)
					if (each's type) is in {rtfd, rtf, markdown} then set end of l to each's item 1
				end if
			end repeat
	end tell
	return l
end getAllChildren

P.S. I used each's item 1 instead of each when using repeat with each in ... as a trial-and-prove approach. Sometimes, when the variable is a selection (e.g. Set a to selection) repeat with each .. won’t work unless I use each’s item 1.

The testing script returns 0 records even when I use each instead - when running from the button.

@cgrunenberg would have to assess this.

I modified the code to log the found entries.

if (each's type) is in {rtfd, rtf, markdown} then
   set end of l to each's item 1
   do shell script "echo " & (name of each's item 1) & " >> ~/desktop/001.txt"
end if

Running the script from Script Editor and from the toolbar button yield different results.

Thanks! I thought I was imagining something!

No wonder. :thinking: I tried using string value for comparison (each's type as string) is in {"rtf,"rtfd","markdown"}, and also tried using two-steps (get all children regardless of the file format from a simplified handler, then screen the format in a loop) and the methods still doesn’t run in toolbar menu. Now I know that the issue is on the comparison statement!

I will try to use individual conditional statement instead … (each's type is rtfd) or (each's type is rtf) or (each's type is markdown).

And which file types are different?

And thank you for showing an easier way to compare the results of multiple versions of testing.

It was reporting two files from Script Editor and one file from the toolbar.
Oddly, build 10 seems to be behaving.

No problem.
Are you seeing the issue in build 10?

And the missing file was Markdown or RTF(D)?


That’s the issue mentioned in a different thread few days ago, comparing the type after converting it to a string is more reliable in case of text, Markdown or smart groups.

If you are referring to DT3 the version is 3.04?

I know, I mentioned the question…

String comparison doesn’t work either. Perhaps my recursive… But it works in external editor.

I’ll try it once more, perhaps I have tested too many different versions of the handler.

No, the test script based on string value comparison still returns "Fail " message when running in the toolbar folder.
This was what happened. The testing script would fail or success randomly at the first trial (first time saving in the toolbar folder or when it is opened in editor and recompiled). However, if DT is restarted, the button script will fail every time again.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theGps to selection
	set theRecords to my getAllChildren(theGps)
	display alert length of theRecords
	if length of theRecords is 0 then
		display alert "Problem "
		display alert "Success"
	end if
end tell

on getAllChildren(theseGps)
	local l
	set l to {}
	tell application id "DNtp"
		repeat with each in theseGps
			if (each's type as string) is in {"group", "smart group"} then
				set l to l & my getAllChildren(children of each)
				if (each's type as string) is in {"rtf", "rtfd", "markdown"} then set end of l to each's item 1
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return l
end getAllChildren

What type of record does fail? What’s the type of it as a string?

All rtf/rtfd/markdown formats. My if condition returns “Problem!” when the handler returns 0 records. I test it with selection of files in single format and in multiple formats.

Perhaps there is another way to write the handler?

Thanks for listening.

I see the issue after relaunching DEVONthink.

The toolbar script reports a problem and nothing is logged.
Running the same script in the script edtior reports success and logs two files.

It’s OK and don’t spend too much time on the issue, because now I know that the issue exists and is unrelated to 3rd party additions.
I will sort out alternative for the same function. The script doesn’t have to be run as button script.

@bluefrog and @cgrunenberg,

Thank you for confirming the issue and now I know which area to debug.
Finally, the handler works by changing this line:

if each's type is group or each's class is smart group then

set theRecords to my getAllChildren(theGps, {rtf, rtfd, markdown})

on getAllChildren(theseGps, theFormat)
	local l
	set l to {}
	tell application id "DNtp"
		repeat with each in theseGps
			if each's type is group or each's class is smart group then
				set l to l & my getAllChildren(children of each, theFormat)
				if each's type is in theFormat then set end of l to each's item 1
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return l
end getAllChildren

No problem