Mail attachments with DT Pro Office

Since we are consultants, we received lots of mails from our clients with several attached files (xlsx, pptx, pdf, docx, etc.). We need to classify these files by topic (market, commercial, cost, organization, economical, etc.), but also we need to keep the track to the messages, i.e. we need to search for a e.g. cost analysis xls, but once we have it, we need to get the mail in which it was sent, to track comments in the body message, versions, etc.

Apparently it could be a good option DT Pro Office. Our question is: can the attachments be tagged separately from the mail (i.e., we get a message with financial and market files, we tag each attached files so thru tags we get them but also we can arrived to the original mail message).

Thanks for any help!

No. Not as part of the message.

If you have imported the attachments separately, then as individual documents they can be tagged.

Because DEVONthink puts message threads into individual groups you can:

  1. Import your email and let DEVONthink create groups for each thread
  2. Click a message that has attachments, and then click View > Text Alternative in order to access an RTF view of the email message
  3. In the RTF view of the message, click an attachment and drag it into the parent message-thread group. If you use three-pane view, this is easy. The message will be in the preview pane (lower right side of the view), the message-thread group contents will be in the upper right pane. Just drag the attachment from the message preview to the group contents
  4. Tag the messages and the attachments as individual documents in whatever manner you wish

Later, if you use search or other method to locate an email message, select that message and click on Data > Reveal and DEVONthink will change the focus to the group where the message resides, including the attachments that you placed there.

Be aware, however, that this procedure is space-intensive because you’ll have both the original email message with its embedded attachments, and a copy of the attachment in the database.

Thank you very much for your fast and clear answer.