mail import from entourage


I’d like to import my mail from entourage which works… but not to my expectations. All images from html mails are gone and also attachments come in as huge reams of coded text characters which make it unusable.

Also: when I want to filter my ‘sent’ messages the only way I can look through them is the sent from collumn which is senseless since that is always me. Is there a way to filter it ‘to’ whom I have sent my mails?

Is there a better workflow?

Albert Kiefer
Professional Visual Services


One of the problems that can happen when you import Mail from an IMAP or POP account is that attachments are present on the server and not on your computer. When you browse through your mailboxes in the Mail Import window, it will be detected and downloaded. But if you import using the “Import All” button a different download strategy is used and attachment may not be downloaded (see the online help).

In order to prevent this you could make sure that Entourage downloads all attachments before you import (there should be an option to do this somewhere).

As to the garbled attachments that you see, I haven’t had a report about that before. If you can export an example as a Unix mailbox from within Entourage and send it to I can take a look at it.

Hello Annard,

I already suspected that Brouwer was a dutch last name :wink: I’ll see if I can get entourage to do that. What would be most ideal is if I could simply ‘mail’ messages as a cc also to DevonThink Office. That way all stuff would run into the designated mailbox folder :slight_smile: Maybe a cool new feature to think of :slight_smile:

I also noticed that images in my signature are not saved to the files in DT but other peoples images as signature are visible.

Also the base encodings seems to be problematic…

I’ll send some over.

Thanks for your help,

Albert Kiefer
Professional Visual Services

This you can change by choosing a different fallback encoding in the Email preference pane of our application (a new feature of version 1.3.2). But if the sender used 8 bit raw encoding (not recommended by the appropriate RFC specifications), accents etc. may get lost through the AppleScript interface. In that case, exporting to a Unix mailbox may save the day.

Hi Annard,

I tried to export but found no option in Entourage which allows me to do that (except entourage mail archive…)

I have saved a message from DevonThink where you see such a base 64 attachment as a huge collumn of characters… I’ll send it to the address you provided…


Albert Kiefer
Professional Visual Services

An Entourage mail archive is fine too, I can check that here. The RTF file doesn’t help me very much.

I’m just realising something here: are you using Pro or Pro Office? The result that I see is normal in the Pro version. Only the Pro Office version is able to properly decode the mail information into RTF.

Hi Annard,

I bought the pro office version, specifically for that feature :slight_smile:


Albert Kiefer
Professional Visual Services