Mail import questions

I’m now using Mac for several years on multiple mac’s with varying OS X versions.
I do have bad experience with Apple’s
Reason being probably the fact that I keep a very large mail database on Fastmail imap server. In practice I’m extremely satisfied with Fastmail, often times it’s been very helpful to have ALL old mail communication available.
Off and on I’ve tried to incorporate because of it’s obvious advantages over e.g. Thunderbird in view of DTPO. Each time has failed.
I find this extremely annoying but there just doesn’t seem to be a real solution. (Except from emptying my inbox)
Just as an aside: I’ve never had the same problem with iOS - so why is this working better than on a more powerful OS X platform? Beats me…)

Now to my question:
In order to achieve Inbox Zero
I’m trying to import mail into DTPO (with the intention to get my mailbox size under the unwritten’OS X size limit’
Following Gabe Weatherhead’s guide I stumble at the fact that my inbox shows white, and thus empty…
At the moment there are only some 42 messages in my Inbox, so I don’t think that can be the reason?

I’ve checked on several ‘white’ folders - In they contain messages - In the import window, they show up white and empty…

Any ideas?
Thanks for your suggestions!


According to the screenshot already imported emails are hidden, you might try to disable this option.

See the option in DEVONthink Pro Office Preferences > Email - Previously imported will become replicants.

If that option isn’t checked, DEVONthink will skip messages that have already been captured, in order to avoid duplication.

Checking that option allows me to capture messages individually into a project or other topical group, yet also ensure that if I wish to keep an archive of messages in a mailbox, the archive will be complete.

Replication adds only a few bits of overhead to each instance of a document displayed in multiple locations of a database. Only one file is stored within the database in that case, whereas duplicates each require making separate copies of the file.