Mail Plug-in Disabled DTPO 1.5.4, Mail 4.2

I receive the following while trying to import mail into DTPO

Mail has disabled the following plug-ins:


Contact the makers of these plug-ins for versions that are compatible with Mail 4.2 and Message 4.2.

Since I have yet to plunge into DTPO 2 I am not sure what to do with my current version to get this to work.

Thanks for your help.


You will have to upgrade to DEVONthink 2, otherwise you can still use the AppleEvent interface but that one isn’t optimal.

Thanks. Can you point me to a post or document that explains what happens to my computer when I upgrade? I am for sure a little fuzzy on the new file structure thing.

When you download the package you’ll find an (slightly out-of-date) Upgrader’s Guide that explains a lot of the changes.

Thank you. I downloaded and upgraded. Like the new interface very much.
In several of my databases, the conversion was unable to import in my emails that had been in the old platform. I of course have not yet deleted the old file, did I need to do anything else? I would have assumed all would have gone smoothly. I did save log files if you need one.



There have been discussions about conversion of old databases. One thing you can do is to export everything in the old database (using V1) and then import it into a new database (using V2). Don’t know why that should make a differencebut it seemed to help some people.