Making the web clipper as good as Evernote's

I appreciate the frustration. And BLUEFROG’s explanation makes sense: apparently it’s just not that easy to consistently clip material from a huge variety of web pages. I’ve come up with two solutions, using Safari:

  1. ‎Page Screenshot for Safari on the Mac App Store, per my post above, then OCRing it to pdf; the advantage of this (even over Evernote) is that it preserves the exact look and layout of the page. Inline links, unfortunately, don’t work.

  2. With some help from DT Support, I made an AppleScript shortcut that creates and opens a blank Formatted Note with the correct URL and page title. Then I simply copy and paste whatever I want from the page into that open note. If the formatting is wonky, I will usually just select “Reader View” before copying; that at least gets the text and usually any inline images. The helpful post with the script was here: Difference between clipping Safari page to formatted note and copying/pasting into formatted note - #8 by pete31

Of course the third option is just to use Evernote, and then import into DT3 if necessary. That’s not something I do too often, but it works for some scenarios. When repeatedly clipping simple things – for example, I keep a list of words and definitions I’ve looked up, and DT3 is useless at clipping the dictionary I use – I just use Evernote.

And I didn’t know about Nimbus Clipper; I’ll check it out!




OMG: :confused:

Indeed! Now, that was some time ago when I ran into that. The finer point of it is, Evernote has always had a big influx of capital investment and a team that far exceeds ours in numbers. So they have the ability to create a group of developers who can concentrate on singular features or smaller sets of functionality.

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If you have an Instapaper account you can also use the Text bookmarklet from the Instapaper page: Instapaper

The cleaned up page can be added to DT the usual way using the extension.

Rehashing the discussion, and I think this question is related to the last comment from Jim about “reloading the page”.
Is there a setting to change from giving permission to Devonthink to clip every page or URL every time one tries to clip a page, instead of giving the entire Chrome application permission one time?

  1. Stop using Chrome - ugh! :wink:
  2. This is a Chrome issue not something DEVONthink controls.

Try this in Applications/Utilities/

defaults write ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox -bool true


yeah, I know. I’ve been meaning to move away from Chrome for a while.


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