.manifest missing of database error

Welcome @pablom and @Quexpo

  • Are you both using CloudKit syncs?
  • Are these new syncs or switching from another sync method?
  • What is the quality of your network connection like?

Me is using CloudKit, yes.
Doing this since is joined DEVONthink a bit more than a month ago.

Using Wireless LAN 100GB/s, never had issues before. (If anything shouldn’t be clear: i’m a native german speaker; as i have heared you have german roots too?, so i can try to explain it in german to, if required)

How many computers/devices use this sync store? And how many databases do you synchronize that way?

Macbook Air M1 (DEVONthink)
iPad Air 2020

3 Datebases

And how many items/bytes (see File > Database Properties) do these databases contain? How fast and reliable is your Internet connection?

Can’t attach because I’m a new user.

DB 1: 210 Objects (19 replicants), 245,8 MB
DB 2: 11 Objects (0 replicants), 21,1 MB
DB 3: 266 Objects (3 replicants), 583,8 MB

Internet connection says 106 Mbit/s right now, reliable: most of time, but german internet — especially vodafone sucks sometimes.

Thanks for the info.
Nothing looks problematic there.

Is there anything else i can do to help you fixing this? Sending you a copy of the protocol? Maybe there is an additional developer log?

Please choose Help > Report Bug while pressing the Alt modifier key to start a support ticket, thanks.

When following this procedure, the “Clean” option shows up for all databases, except for the two that are triggering a “manifest” missing of database…" Error. This is occuring both on a regular database, and the global database. Do you have any other options? (note: working fine on Mac, but getting manifest error on iphone and ipad.

If it’s not showing the clean option, it must be mid-sync.
Disable the database from syncing then try.
You may need to quit and relaunch DEVONthink To Go.

Thank you for your response. I attempted disabling the databases from sync, and tried logging out of the app, shutting off the ipad, and starting it up again. This did not work and I can still not clean the two impacted databases. Would you happen to have any other suggestion?

On DEVONthink To Go’s databases screen, select ? > Contact Us to start a support ticket.

Done. Thank you.

No problem.

Hi, I’ve been having the same problem with .manifest missing of “Inbox”–it appears in the logs on all three devices (laptop, iphone, ipad). I’ve verified and cleaned the databases on each device, verified and cleaned the location on each (I use CloudMe to sync), deleted the apps and reinstalled them on the iphone and ipad, and deleted the CloudMe location on the laptop and reinstalled it. Any other steps I can take?
Just to clarify, this is for the Inbox database only.

Just a note: Reinstallation is not an early troubleshooting strategy. It should be reserved for much later in the process.

This is the suggested course of action with missing manifests reported in DEVONthink To Go…

In DEVONthink To Go’s Settings > Sync : Locations, left-swipe the sync location and choose Verify Thoroughly.
Once it’s finished, a warning triangle will appear on the sync icon in the bottom toolbar. Touch the icon to see the results.

If errors continue to be reported… In DEVONthink To Go’s Settings > Sync: Locations, tap the sync location, then left-swipe the database and choose Clean.

Check the sync icon in the bottom toolbar for a triangle. Tap the sync icon to see if the clean was successful. If it shows the sync data was successfully cleaned, go back into the sync location and enable syncing it again.

My broken record question: Do you need a remote sync option?

Thanks, Jim. I did go through the steps listed above (more than once).
Re your question about needing a remote sync–I’m not sure. Is there another way for items captured in DTTG to end up in Devonthink on my laptop? I don’t use DTTG for anything besides taking notes on the fly or saving websites or content from them.

If you can do the sync while at home/office and use your local network to use Bonjour, that is the way to go. Avoids using that nasty internet thing.

To setup start with the section “Sync” in the outstanding “DEVONthink Manual”,


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As @rmschne points out, a Bonjour sync on your local network is a fast, reliable, and very private sync method. We all use Bonjour syncs in-house.

The question to ask is:

  • Do you have an assistant, colleague, or significant other who needs quick and frequent updates to modifications to your databases?
    • If not, then we would advise you opt for a local sync on your network.

      And if you’re out an about with your Apple mobile device and your laptop, you should be able to sync by wire by connecting the mobile device to your Mac via its charging cable. This is useful in public, corporate, or academic situations where IT has disallowed Bonjour traffic or the use of non-standard ports as a safety measure for its patrons.