manually cross-linking & adding rich text notes to items?

Hi all,

This post got me thinking about the problem of multiple annotations to a document.

I think I might have a possible solution to the problem although it will take me a few days to work up a script (if its possible).

I am a big fan of Korm’s variation of the annotation template

“Make annotation files for each citation plus notes+tags”
[url]Make an Annotation with Links, Notes, Tags v2]

but it has does have the problem that searching for all the annotations for a single document requires a search.

People may not have realised that its possible to grab a link to a smart folder and add that link to the URL field of a record.

It should therefore be possible (if you can create a smart folder from applescript), to add a smart group with all the annotations for a particular document which is an immediately clickable url.


Edit - It seems its not possible to creat smart groups with applescript :frowning:
See [url]script to create a "native" smart group?]