Markdown display - reading and writing mode

Is there a way to have a “reading” mode and a “writing mode” for markdown. What I am asking for, is get rid of the Markdown display option in settings and use the buttons on the top right of the markdown window.

As long as the source mode button is ‘toggled on’ the “writing” mode is chosen for this and all items afterwards. If the “preview” button is ‘toggled on’ it is “reading” mode, for this item …

I know I can change it when I working on one file, but as soon as I switch, I have to press the button again.

As my workflow is writing a bunch of md files and at another time reading a bunch of items. This new behaviour would make it easier. For users who are happy with the global settings, it would be a onetime click on the preferred mode (top right again).


Well, we certainly aren’t removing the Markdown Display setting. And we aren’t developing for an individual but what’s wanted by many.

It’s also unclear what you’re actually asking for. Are you saying you would like a per-document display setting?

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Have you tried the two-panes (Side-by-Side) view as the default view? While it does display duplicate information, I have found it tolerable when working on a 24" screen. It can feel uncomfortable on a cramped laptop screen, though.

Apologies if it sounded harsh, wasn’t meant to be.

I will try again. I would like to have the option to be in ‘source view mode’ for several items until one of the other two options (side-by-side or preview) is checked. At another time to have the option of 'preview mode" for several item until one of the other two options is checked.

I understand that removing an existing “Setting” might not be an option. What about the chance to switch the generic setting via applescript. That way it would be one action at the beginning of a “reading” or “writing sessions”?


Not harsh at all and I hope I didn’t come off harshly either. Oh the joys of digital conversation :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Why not just use the shortcut keys ?

Yes, that would be a solution, but I would have to press the shortcut key every time I switch documents when I am not in the mode which I have set in the global setting. I was hoping for a solution which would work like a toggle between reading/writing mode (preview/source).

Thanks for listening. Will have to continue using the shortcuts.

So basically a new option Preferences > Files > Markdown > Markdown Display > Last Used Display?


Sounds like a good idea. One more option would not hurt :slight_smile:

Yep, that would be perfect :smiley:

yeah, this would be fantastic!