as sync location

Do you see any objection to as a sync location? They have a very generous free tier and offer WebDav.
I have no problem with CloudMe, but their free space is getting full.
By the way, Arq is great for backups. Thanks for recommending it.

They do not seem to offer WebDAV:

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I stand corrected.

Speaking personally, while it appears technically possible, its history with being a landing place for pirated materials of all kinds - including software - would lead me to object. If we were just friends having a drink, I’d suggest against it.

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Since I don’t really need that much space, I am trying a few more reputable WebDav spaces. I’ll let you know if I find anything good.

I vaguely remember a big scandal about some NZ company. This must be the one.

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Mega is the successor of Megaupload, founded by Kim Dotcom, which had been used for many, many years to harbour pirated content in open defiance of all laws. He is not a very reputable character.

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