Merge tags sometimes works, sometimes not. [Answered]

Hi all,

Pretty new DT3 user here. I am trying to merge similar (and identical) tags, after I imported my data from a messy Evernote system. I noticed that sometimes when I select two tags and right-click, I get the option to merge the tags, and some other times, I don’t.
Why is that? Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong here?

Just to demonstrate, it works in this case when I try to merge 14-02 and 14-03:

…and it doesn’t when I try to merge 14-03 and 14-04. I will upload the image separately, because I cannot embed more than 1 image (new user).

If it turns out I am doing something wrong, I’ll remove the bug-report tag obviously :smiley:


This is the image of the situation where I don’t get the option to merge the tags:

Welcome @MJS

Please post a screen capture of what you have selected in the Navigate sidebar. I have a suspicion but want a confirmation.


As I suspected.
You have the top level Tags selected. That means you’re seeing a union of the tags groups of all open databases. That also means you’re occasionally trying to merge tags in different databases, which you can’t do.



Thank you, that makes sense. And it it also explains why there are several tags with exactly the same name.
If I wanted to decapitalize all tags, and not do much extra work because some of them are in a bunch of databases, could I pull all data into one of the databases, perform my cleanup, and then move everything back to where it came from?


You’re welcome and indeed, logic wins!

If I wanted to decapitalize all tags, and not do much extra work because some of them are in a bunch of databases, could I pull all data into one of the databases, perform my cleanup, and then move everything back to where it came from?

No, that woud not be a good idea as it would take the tagged files along with the tag groups.

I will make a suggestion later (as I’m on the road).